Headteacher’s Update – 14th July

Good afternoon,

I hope you have had a good week, it is have to believe there are just 2 weeks of term left!

Information for all parents and carers

Information specifically for S1/2/3

Information specifically for S4/5/6

  • No specific updates

Information for all parents and carers

Refugee Week

To celebrate Refugee Week, we will be working with St Thomas of Aquin’s Rights Respecting Schools group to take part in Refugee Week’s ‘Simple Acts.’ These are everyday actions we can all do to stand with refugees and make new connections in our communities. The theme of this year is ‘home.’ Please see our poster for an overview of the week.

UNCRC Article 28, Article 2, Article 22

P7 transition days

We look forward to welcoming our P7 pupils on Tuesday next week for their three day visit.

All documentation and paperwork has already been shared, if you have any questions please contact your primary school in the first instance.

UNCRC Article 28, Article 29

Timing of last day of term

To confirm Balerno High School closes for the summer break at 12:30 on Friday 28th June 2024.

Pupil return to school on Wednesday 14th August at 08:30.

Information specifically for S1/2/3

Football Success

Congratulations to the now S2 Boys Football Team who have won their league without conceding a goal during the whole season – an outstanding achievement!

We are delighted they have been promoted and look forward to their continued success in the season to come.

Many thanks to the parents who coach the team, without you these young people would not have this opportunity. I absolutely appreciate the time and effort that goes into organising fixtures, transport and training.

UNCRC Article 28, Article 15, Article 24

‘Our Balerno Way’ – Communications Padlet

We hope you are finding the padlet available on the school website helpful Balerno High School | 0131 477 7788 (wordpress.com) Balerno Community High School (padlet.com). If you have any feedback it would be much appreciated so we can take this into account https://forms.office.com/e/hZv1jq46jU

I hope you have a relaxing weekend,

Kind regards,

Ros Ranger

Head Teacher