P7 Open Evening 2022 (Date has changed to 2nd November)

We at Balerno High School would like to extend an invitation to you and your P7 child(ren) to attend our open evening.  This event takes place on 2nd November from 6.30 – 8.30pm.  It offers the opportunity for you to come into the school, see the different departments and see (or try!) some of the activities your child(ren) will take part in as a Balerno High School pupil.  There will also be the opportunity for you and your child(ren) to meet current S1s and hear a bit about their experience so far! The Support Team will also be present to discuss the Support structure and where you can also learn about pastoral and learning support at Balerno High School.

The evening will consist of a tour which will be led by a senior pupil. The tour will allow you to visit up to 9 departments across all faculties, with all tours visiting English, Maths, Pupil Support, Science and Social Subjects.

There will also be an opportunity at the end of the session to ask any questions you may have to the Senior Leadership Team.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community and seeing you on the 27th.

Casual play on the G3 pitch over the Summer holidays.

Dear Parent / Carer,
The Malleny 3G has been a brilliant addition to the Balerno High School campus. This summer, there will be identified slots on the pitch for casual play for under 16’s and these will be advertised at www.swcats.uk
This free access for playing appropriate sports will be provided on the understanding that pitch rules are followed and that when the free time is over, the pitch is cleared to allow the next user on.
Please encourage your children to follow the rules, respect staff instructions and never to climb the security fence. Your support is key to making the free access a success. If it works, it will be continued into the school term in collaboration with Active Schools, the PE Department and Community Access to Schools.
For formal booking of the pitch or any other Balerno facility during the summer holidays, please phone 477 7733.

 – Community