Welcome to Balerno High School

“a community built on strong relationships and a commitment to success”

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Balerno High School website.

We are a fully comprehensive, non-denominational high school situated in the south west of Edinburgh. The school was built in 1983 and we currently have a roll just over 850 pupils in S1-S6.

You will find lots of information about the life of the school including support for pupils and families, Rights Respecting School information, our curriculum (including the subjects we offer), SQA and assessment information and the important work of the Parent Council.

We also share lots of information on our social media accounts on twitter (@BalernoCHSHT) and Instagram (balernohighschool).

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website and please get in touch if you have any feedback or we can provide you with any further information.

Ros Ranger

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Balerno High School, 5 Bridge Road, Balerno, Edinburgh EH14 7AQ, United Kingdom

Tel : 0131 477 7788 Email : Admin@balernochs.edin.sch.uk