Bulletin – 19th June 2024

Focus of the week: Dressing for Excellence – Please make sure you are following theBalerno dress code by wearing school uniform.

M Anderson

House Championships Finalists & Relay Teams: Please see your PE Core Teams for the current finalists and reserves for the finals of the sprints and 800ms which will be run on Tuesday 25th June. If anyone was absent or injured and was unable to compete in the heats you can pop down to the running track at lunchtime on Wednesday 19th June to record a time to try to qualify. The pupils with the top 8 times have qualified for the finals with the next 2 fastest on standby by as reserves in case any of the top 8 are unavailable.

Relays will be run on the afternoon of our House Championships Extravaganza Day on Tuesday 25th June. Next week we’ll ask you to complete your team lists so please start planning who will be in you’re a team, B team and C team!

Wednesday 19th– Refugee Week – Share the Message: To celebrate Refugee Week, we will be working with St Thomas of Aquin’s Rights Respecting Schools group to take part in Refugee Week’s ‘Simple Acts.’ The theme of this year is ‘home.’ These are everyday actions we can all do to stand with refugees and make new connections in our communities. Today’s simple act is ‘share the message’ so Balerno and St Thomas of Aquin’s Rights Respecting Schools group are creating a playlist with songs that remind you of home. Scan the QR code and add your song suggestion. Look out for the playlist in the next edition of the Balerno Times.

Pupil Parliament 2024-25 – First Committee Meetings: If you signed up to one of the pupil parliament committees during leadership week, each committee is holding its first meeting over the next two weeks. Do not worry if you didn’t get a chance to sign up last week. Please just head along to the meeting and let the teacher link know that you would like to join the committee. The day, time and place for each committee meeting are: 

MONDAY  10TH JUNE   Developing the Young Work Force    1.10pm Mr Charter’s Office 
Rights Respecting Schools    1.10pm  F45 
Wellbeing    1.20pm  F43 
TUESDAY  11TH JUNE Climate Action   1.15pm G0 
House Teams    1.20pm F29 
LGBT Charter Champions   1.15pm G38 
  WEDNESDAY 12TH JUNE   Learning, Teaching and Assessment   1.20pm F50 
  THURSDAY  13TH JUNE   Equalities    1.15pm G01 
MVP 1.15pm F45 
   FRIDAY   14TH JUNE    S1-S3 Pupil Council Representatives    KAT F45 
  MONDAY 17th JUNE  Responsibility of All – Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing   BreaktimeF42
Mentoring 1.20pm F43   
  THURSDAY  20TH JUNE   Digital Ambassadors    1.30pm G03 
Social Committee  1.15pm F32   
   FRIDAY   21ST JUNE    S4-S6 Pupil Council Representatives    KAT F45 

Please take a note of when your committee meeting is. It is really important that you go along to the first meeting or let the staff link know that you can’t make so they can fill you in on the information shared. Any questions, please let Miss T or the committee teacher lead know.