Bulletin – 25th April 2024

Focus of the week: Dressing for Excellence – Please make sure you are following theBalerno dress code by wearing school uniform.

PE during SQA Exams: All PE classes should meet in the concourse to register due to the exams taking place in the Gym and Games Hall.

S1-3 Instrumental Music Lessons: Trial Lessons: We currently have spaces to offer trial lessons to S1-3 pupils on the following instruments:

Drum Kit




French Horn





These lessons would be offered as a four-week block starting week commencing 29th April and finishing week commencing 27th May. If you are interested, please speak to Mrs Arnold in the Music Department. This will be on a first come, first served basis, so please be quick!!!

Equalities Group S1-3: The equalities group is looking for members old and new to join us for a meeting at lunchtime on Wednesday the 1st of May in G1 (Mrs Ford’s room). If you are interested in planning events and making the school a more inclusive place then we would love to have you along. Bring your lunch and we will get started at around 1.15pm.

Scottish Schools Track and Field Championships: We are looking for sign ups for the Track and Field event on the 7th and 8th June. Could any pupils interested in taking part please sign up in the PE department – there is event information and a sign up form on the PE office door.  Registrations need to be submitted early May. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to email myself at ricky.karoyan@ea.edin.sch.uk.

RRSA Creative Short Story Writing Competition – April Article of the Month: The RRSA team are holding a creative story writing competition which ends on April 19th. The minimum we are looking for is 100 words and the maximum is 500 words. We are looking for the most creative stories ever from a dancing unicorn to a robot bat. The winner will get 10 house points as well as a free waffle from the Riverside and gets to skip the line to get it! Runner up gets a free cake from the Riverside. Hand in entries to F45 or email to Miss Templeton by the 19th of April. Our RRSA team will judge them before our April Article of the Month on the 26th of April when winners will be announced!

The RRSA Team